What does it mean to be a man?

Daddy’s and Granddaddy’s LEAD

B’resheet (Genesis)  1:27 So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.

My brothers, please tell me – what exactly is a man? No really – I want to know your definition of manhood. I’m sure I can get a myriad of responses from the sisters. You know us. Women can have either a romanticized version of what we think a man is and how he should be, or we often embrace a broke-down image of masculinity, and some will go as far as to define manhood by a counterfeit. I’m not looking for all that this go ‘round. So sisters, hold your peace. I’m asking the brothers because I need some straight talk from a man. I’m asking you, my brothers, because nobody knows like you do what living life as a man, specifically a Black man, is like and what it should be, according to God’s design.

Another thing – what’s your story? What’s it like being a Black man in America?  I want to hear your story because I’m as concerned for your wellbeing as a mother is for her child. Know this, that in no way am I inferring that you are a child. I simply make this comparison to confer the depth of my love. I don’t want to see any harm come to you, and I grieve beyond words when you die before the realization of your dreams. I’m your sister who sees the attack on your manhood, sometimes even before you do. I see the hit, and I do whatever I can to keep you from being struck down. I’m your mother, your wife, your daughter, your sister, your auntie, your niece, your cousin, your best friend. I’m not just an inquiring mind. I’m the woman who needs to know.   100! If you know you’re not correct or if you’re uncertain of what and how a man should be, just listen up and learn. Please, please DON’T answer.

7 Replies to “What does it mean to be a man?”

  1. The answer to that question will take a lifetime, with many different points of view. Society, family & friends, and your own will, will contribute heavily in that discussion.

    1. Darryl, thanks for the comment. To some degree each man’s point of view is as unique as his fingerprints. However, my guess is that the qualities, characteristics, and parameters of manhood are somewhat universal. Do correct me if I’m wrong. Also, mothers raising boys are doing so on a need-to-know now basis.’No time for a lifetime.

  2. Responsibility. This begins as a boy learns to pick up after himself. It grows into wanting to do things for himself. “Let me do it,” says the boy learning a craft or trade. It means finishing what you started, most importantly, a family. Nothing tests, proves or forms a man like taking a wife and raising a child with commitment, care and strength. (I Chron. 15:22, I Timothy 5:8)
    Courage. It is not avoiding fear or fearful situations. It is pressing through fear and perceived danger to fulfill one’s mission, calling, job or task. At age 12 I came across a cat tangled in a leash, hanging and choking. To free it, I had to get close enough where it could scratch me terribly. It was life or death for the cat, so I did it. I’ve had to confess my sins many times, to my boss, to my wife, to other men, not knowing what their reaction would be. I’ve also changed tires on busy highways. That’s about as dangerous as my life gets. Much respect to actual soldiers and sailors in combat, coal miners, oil rig roughnecks and first responders. (Deuteronomy 1:21, Isaiah 41:10, II Timothy 1:7)
    Fruitfulness. A man is created to plant seed and cultivate growth. He carries the first element of destiny within him. Whether or not he is a natural father, a man is built to mentor, guide, be a big brother, coach, teach, and otherwise pour into the next generation, or idea, or invention, or new process, or new software, or film, or book. A man is built to bear fruit, hopefully, good fruit. (Psalm 92:13-15, Matthew 7:20, Galatians 5:19-23)
    Ultimately, being a man is to reflect the character and nature of Yahusha HaMashiach.

  3. Brother-to-Sister
    And on the question, I will allow every man to answer. That’s how one can depict where they lack as a man and learn from the majorities. In addition to that, sisters and mothers could discover and understand why some men have problems fulfilling their responsibilities. Therefore, sisters and mothers could become more proactive to contribute to those men’s empowerment and their becoming more responsible for your (sisters and mothers) benefits and the benefit of children and future generations.

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