Post by Mr. Chris Vann, Detroit, Michigan
I have two sons growing up in a society that seems to be opposed to men of color. But the opposition does not matter, because if God is for you, then who can be against you? (Romans 8:31)
I know what it’s like to live as a Black man in America. First of all, you have to know who you are in the Lord. Put God first and know that you are more than a conqueror, despite what the world says and despite what life throws at you. Be encouraged as you walk in the strength of God’s love and His peace. Of course, it’ll seem like things will be hard. Those challenges only make you stronger. Never give up. Never give in. Fight the good fight, walking in God’s peace and love. Never let your heart be shattered.
Being a young man takes patience. Young man, be encouraged. Never give in or give up, for you are truly more than a conqueror. (Romans 8:37) Always speak the positive over yourself. Never allow yourself to think negative. You truly are a blessed man of the Most High. He put you here for a purpose. Recognize that only God and God alone has you in the palm of His hand. It doesn’t matter where you come from. What matters is where you’re going. Keep walking the straight path. When you feel alone sometimes, know that you’re not alone. When you feel weak and given to worry, know that God’s got you. No matter what people may say, know that you are blessed. Be a leader not a follower. You are a mighty man of valor. Yes, you may fall several times, but know that you will reach your destination. Be strong young man.
Be strong mama, as you put your hands to the plow. Raising a boy into a man is a labor of love. Your son will never forget all that you’ve done for him. Even though at times it seems like it doesn’t matter, surround yourself with men of faith who will speak positively into his life.
Raising children is a blessing. It’s a great joy. Love them and teach them to love, not hate. Teach them to care, and not be selfish. Teach them to be sensitive, but not weak. Teach them to trust, and not be afraid. Know that it is possible.
This is how I raised my sons.